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Cele mai neinspirate piese de dragoste - Forum

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Cele mai neinspirate piese de dragoste
White_TigerData: Miercuri, 2008-11-19, 3:41 PM | Mesajul # 1
Grup: Administratori
Mesaje: 691
Reputaţie: 17
Status: Offline
Daca ieri v-am prezentat un clasament al celor mai reusite piese de dragoste (pe care il gasiti aici), astazi va prezentam si un top al celor mai proaste melodii pe aceeasi tema, intocmit de Classic Rock.

1. Love Stinks - J. Geils Band

Titlul acestei piese spune tot. Trupa vroia sa foloseasca neaparat cuvantul stink si s-a gandit oare ce ar merge inaintea lui... Cat despre versuri, ce sa mai vorbim:

I’ve had the blues, the reds and the pinks.
One thing for sure, love stinks.

Probabil, dar nu mai mult decat un peste mort, sau aceasta piesa!

2. Still ... You Turn Me On - Emerson, Lake & Palmer

O trupa talentata, din pacate insa acest lucru nu se observa din versurile piesei:

When you're buried in disguise
By the dark glass on your eyes
Though your flesh has crystallised;
Still...you turn me on.

Every day a little sadder,
A little madder,
Someone get me a ladder.

Se poate mai rau de atat?

3. Keep On Loving You - REO Speedwagon

You played dead, but you never bled,
Instead you lay still in the grass, all coiled up and hissing


4. Two Out of Three Ain't Bad - Meat Loaf

Imaginatie lirica, alegorii...totul in aceste versuri:

I’m tired of words and I’m too hoarse to shout,
But you’ve been cold to me so long
I’m crying icicles instead of tears.

Piesa asta ma face sa vreau sa fiu un liliac scapat din pestera.

5. Muskrat Love - America

Iubirea pierduta nu este subiectul acestei piese. De fapt, este greu de spus care este subiectul ei. Poate va dati voi seama?

And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed,
Singin’ and jingin’ the jango,
Floatin’ like the heavens above
It looks like muskrat love.

Sa fie ritualul de imperechere al rozatoarelor?

6. Love Hurts - Nazareth

Love is like a cloud, holds a lot of rain.
Love is like a flame, it burns you when it’s hot.

Unele piese merg la inima. Altele merg drept la suflet. Altele insa pica greu la stomac, cum este si cazul celei de fata.

7. Pictures of You - The Cure

Fotografiile despre care este vorba aici parca ar fi fost expuse intr-un parc de distractii de Halloween:

You were angels
So much more than everything
Hold for the last time then slip away quietly
Open my eyes
But I never see anything.

8. Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've?) - The Buzzcocks

And we won’t be together much longer
Unless we realize that we are the same

You disturb my natural emotions
You make me feel like dirt
And I’m hurt
And if I start a commotion
I’ll only end up losing you
And that’s worse.

Rau? Mai rau? Ce poate fi mai rau decat aceste versuri?

9. MacArthur Park - Richard Harris

Daca nu te pricepi la metafore, mai bine stai departe de ele!

As we followed in the dance
Between the parted pages and were pressed
In love's hot, fevered iron
Like a striped pair of pants.

10. You Are the Everything - R.E.M.

Pentru toti indragostitii care au visat vreodata sa doarma cu dintii in gura:

Late spring and you’re drifting off to sleep
With your teeth in your mouth
You are here with me
You are here with me
You have been here and you are everything.

Am fost acolo intr-adevar, dar acum este timpul s-o iau din loc, cat de repede pot!
HiHi :>

Altfel voi fi şi maine, altfel am fost şi ieri. Tu eşti altfel pentru că realizezi că eu sunt altfel azi. E un alt fel de a fi altfel!
Foaie verde lobodă,
Plouă-n beci!
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